Mindy Wetmore - 29 / Mar / 2022
Calgary Location is Open

Spread the word, our second location is officially open! We have gone through every challenge with our Calgary location but we have persevered and we are thrilled to be open. We are so excited to expand and be able to serve people in a new city. We couldn't have done it without our faithful supporters and customers so a huge thank you to all of you!!!
If you are looking for custom foot orthotics, have a foot condition or undiagnosed foot pain, or you're just looking to improve your movement, you can now book a pedorthic assessment in Calgary too! Tanille and Ryan (our two Lethbridge pedorthists) are in Calgary and taking appointments on Wednesday and Thursday. Monday through Friday the retail footwear side of Shoe Solutions will be providing the same service, knowledge and high-quality products as Lethbridge!
Calgary Information
Address: 109 - 5126 126 Ave SE, Calgary, AB
Hours: Monday - Friday, 10:00-6:00
Phone: (587) 391-8660
Stay tuned for our grand opening celebration, but for now click below to get a sneak peek at the new location.